My 10 reasons for the Raven Guard

Raven Guard – they were my favourite for quite a while. Here are 10 good reasons why …


  1. Tall, slender, pale, brooding Primarch. I just cannot not identify with him. Plus: They are the second best chapter (after the Blood Angels) to try and kitbash Elven Bitz into them: Slender Faces, long black Hair, pale Skin … yeah, fits.
  2. Ravens. I like Ravens. Among all the Animals, that populate the Adeptus Astartes, the Ravens are one of the very few that are not Predators. I always like Ravens and their natural Theme of Wings allows you to reuse and kitbash all Minis with Wings, like Dark Angels, Blood Angels and that eagle-ish stuff of the Ultramarines. Also the repeated use of Ravens opens up the opportunity to integrate aspects of North American Indians. Some birds skulls here, some feathers there, Warriors with long Hair … maybe even War Paint …
  3. They are something “pure 40k”. They are not Vikings-in-Space, or Mongols-in-Space, or Vampires-in-Space. Although it could be argued, that they are Covert-Ops-in-Space or Gothics-ins-Space, non of these descriptions fits as well, as they fit to the Chapters that are a more obvious Copies of existing Cultures.
  4. Really unostentatious demeanour. Although the Wolves claim to fight, while others polish their Armour and shave themselves, the Raven Guard with their simple black Armour and common lack of Ornament are a good bit more unostentatious then the Wolves, especially if you take a look at the richly decorated Minis of the Wolves.
  5. Black is easy to paint. You don’t even have to extra care for the Soft Armour Parts. As they only have one unique Model, you usually don’t have many complex Details and Ornaments to paint, if you don’t want to.  Also its a good base to start a focused painting scheme: Very few colours among the main Mini and only one or two very bright Highlights.
  6. No own Codex, codex compliant and yet very own. Having no own Codex is also a great relief. You don’t have to wait for your new Codex to be published after the Vanilla Marines and the major Chapters get one. You don’t have to wonder wether you have been nerfed or your fluff has been abused.  No 150 Euros for a limited Edition. At the same time the Raven Guard have their  own, very destinct way or Warfare, which you can adopt or not.
  7. Fast Attack. And Jump Packs. And Lightning Claws. Hmm … love it. The Raven Guard focus an fast attacks, seriously fast, which is even within the 8th Edition still an imporant thing. And I also love the Space Marine Jump Packs. And I love Lightning Claws. Plus: The two Tactical Response Vehicles I have (as Rhino-Proxys) will look really much like Batmans Tumbler in Black.
  8. Sniper Scouts are very fluffy. And a big thing in 8th Edition.
  9. 30k-ready. They are a first founding Chapter and thus 30k-able and they didn’t even change their colour scheme.
  10. Suprise, Plot Twist, Hidden Agenda. The Raven Guard is a suprise faction. You never know their true plans, things will turn out other than you thought, they always have an ace up their sleeve somewhere in their power armour.

Plus: They have their own Font …






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