The Primaris and the Minis

There has been a lot of excitement within the Astartes-Community about the comming of the new Marines. Will Games Workshop phase out the old Minis? Will your Army be invalidated? Will your Minis look shitty? We still don’t know a few things, especially, the further Plans Games Workshop has, but I think we know enough to talk a bit about the Minis…

  • They look cool.
  • They look similar to the existing Marines.
  • They have a new Armour, the Mark X “Tacticus Armour”, but …
  • The Helmets and Shoulder Pads are interchangeable with all current Marines.
  • They field a new Type of Bolter, the Mark II “Cawl Pattern”.
  • They are a bit taller than the current Marines.

But how much taller are the really? When I saw this Photograph for the first time, it didn’t realize immediatelly, that there are also Mark VII Marines in the Picture …

So I would say: They are hardly taller. But more important than that: They melt into very well with the other, old Marines and the other Wargear like your Tanks.

What does that mean for a Space Wolves Player?

As we only know very few things about the Fluff of the Intercessor Marines, I am currently only refering to the use of the Minis for other Troops.

  • You can definetly mount all beardy, hairy and braidy fenrisian Heads and your favourite Shoulder Pats from your Bitsbox on them and make the look like Wolves pretty instantly.
  • So you can use them to make you Wolf Lord, or your Wolf Guard Pack Leaders really stand out.
  • Or you can kit-bash them with a Set of Wulfen and so get some more, and less dramatic Wulfen.
  • I even like the Idea of mixing one of two of them into Blood Claws Packs, to achieve more diversity.
  • Also: If you haven’t already done so; Mixing Marines and the Stormcast Etherals from Age of Sigmar will be even easier now, because the Primaris and the Stormcasts now have more similar sizes. This could give an extra touch of medieval to you Army.

So all in all I would say: No matter how the Fluff develops, and no matter we get to field Intercessor Marines – the new Minis are a welcome addition to the kit-bashing repertoire. And they fit well into Games Workshops Development of extending the Range during the last years, that brought us MK III and MK IV Plastic Squads, Tartaros Terminators and Contemptor Dreadnoughts.

By the way: If you want to know more about the different Generations of Power Armours, the Lexicanum has a great Article about ist.



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