»life is solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short« Thom Hobbes, Iterator, ca. M2

  • My 10 reasons for the Raven Guard

    Raven Guard – they were my favourite for quite a while. Here are 10 good reasons why …

    My 10 reasons for the Raven Guard
  • My 10 reasons for the T’au

    The first honourable Mention of a Xenos Faction here! Like most other 40k-Afficionados from the 90ies, I was first uhm  … let’s say “suprised” by the Appreance of the youngest Race in the early 2000s … to say the least. But … I learned to like them. Here are my 10 best reasons for the…

    My 10 reasons for the T’au
  • My 10 reasons for the Blood Angels

    The Blood Angels already had a rough recent past with the Baal System being omnomnomed by Tyrandis, but things will get even worse with the 8th Edition: Nearly wiped out by the Tyrandis – and I can’t think of anyone better I would rather be wiped out by – only to be rescued in the…

    My 10 reasons for the Blood Angels
  • “They never even had a chance to be people before someone turned them into a gun instead.”

    “Well, for starters, Space Marines are chosen as children, tortured by SCIENCE!, and then drafted into an eternity of being monastic murder machines whose sole purpose is to hold up the crumbling foundations of an omnicidal dystopia in the name of a rotting carcass that eats psykers like chiclets. They’re emotionally stunted orphans who were…

  • “Where fascist policies are not just justified, but absolutely required …”

    “40K, especially the Imperium of Man, is a fascinating universe in part because it accomplishes something that can only be done when you play some of these tropes perfectly straight. It constructs an Alternate Universe where fascist policies are not just justified, but absolutely required for mere survival. As someone else put it, ‘if you…

  • “The pinnacle of the Dark Millenium …”

    “This Chapter has always fascinated me and I take any assignment involving them with eagerness. To me, they’re the pinnacle of the Dark Millennium: devoted, strong, unforgiving and completely zealous in their quest to rid mankind of its flesh. Their extensive use of bionics as well as their baroque decorations and praise of technology are,…

  • My 10 reasons for the White Scars

    For quite a long time, I had given the White Scars no second thought beyond “Mongol Bike-Marines”.  But the longer I am around in the Dark Millennium, them more I like them. Here are my 10 reasons why …

    My 10 reasons for the White Scars
  • “Why would the Emperor permit something quite so dangerous and untamed to exist?”

    “Space Marines are inherently tough, but the Space Wolves are particularly dangerous. They are ruthless. They are savage. They are brutal. It begs the question why would the Emperor permit something quite so dangerous and untamed to exist? That would be to take down another legion.”

  • My 10 reasons to struggle with the Space Wolves

    I already posted  my my 10 reasons for the Spaces Wolves. Now here are 10 things that drove and drive me away from them.

  • The Primaris and the Minis

    There has been a lot of excitement within the Astartes-Community about the comming of the new Marines. Will Games Workshop phase out the old Minis? Will your Army be invalidated? Will your Minis look shitty? We still don’t know a few things, especially, the further Plans Games Workshop has, but I think we know enough…

    The Primaris and the Minis