Thousand Fist – Letter No. 6 – Important Members of the Chapter and Campaigns

My dearest Brother,

within my last letters I told you all the essential information about my chapter and my people. Yet I do have do add some things without too much explanation: A highly incomplete report on the most important Brothers of my chapter, Persons within our Fleet and our most important campaigns. You will come across both of them time and again, when we start to work closer together, and every brother of my chapter will instantly put you in high regard, if you show that you know some details of our history.

First Chapter Master Ulay Grimrocks

As mentioned in my first letter Ulay Grimrocks was not only the first Chapter Master of our chapter but also the first of my people to be recruited as an Imperial Fists, by none less, than Rogal Dorn himself. To this day Grimrocks is revered as the most ideal Warrior, that ever served the Chapter. Some Squads, Ships, Thunderhawks and even an Company carry his name or one of the many Names of Honour. Some of them he earned during his Service, but most of them were given to him in the Millennia after his death, by Storytellers, and I thought you should know the most common ones: “Allwall”, of course. “The Shield” or “The Tallshield”, a byname that many other Chapter Masters after him carried. “The Silent”, “The Penitent” and “The Joy of Dorn”, the Name I like most. I was once present, when our former Chapter Master used this Name within a conversation with a Captain of Imperial Fists and his command Squad. Even if I will be tortured by demons for centuries – I fate I hope to avoid – and seek salvation in madness, I will never forget the look on their faces.

Former Chapter Master Cladan Blackcloud

Cladan Blackcloud was once the Captain of the First Company and destined to be the Chapter Master, but got mortally wounded before he could be promoted. When The Mountain – my chapters star fortress – vanished, he was chosen to be be the interims chapter master, despite his Dreadnought Armour. After many years during which he became more an more brooding, he disappeared on a mission to Find the Mountain. I especially mention him, because he is the first documented case of the growing melancholy I already mentionend among our Chaptermasters, and also among Brothers with high Age. Although I myself am among the older Brothers, I think I noticed a growing distribution of this state among us and I am concered and would like to discuss this matter with you in detail, when you come visit us.

Current Chapter Master Bianuk Tallshield, also called “The Fox” or “The old Fox”

Bianuk is the current Chapter Master of the Thousand Fists. He’s is said to be one of the tallest and strongest Astartes, that ever carried one of the Tallshield we us in defensive Formation. His Hair was blonde-red once and now is almost white and the same goes for his beard. He is especially respected by many of the regular Astartes, because of his uniting and calming temper, as well as his wise judgment, that more then once settle tensions inside the Chapter or the Tribes. He is a clever strategist and cunning diplomat and negotiator, who arranged many contracts and treaties in favour of the Thousand Fists. Ever since we became a fleet based chapter, we managed to turn that into an advantage for us. When you will meet him for the first time, you might wonder, why he’s not called “The Bear”, but Bianuks wise reign as Chapter Master and his exceptional skills as a negotiator both in warfare and civil affairs, has also led to a new height of wealth, both spiritually and financially.

Chaplain Nyran Palewing

Nyran Palewing is the oldest Marine of the Chapter and Chaplain of the Ghost Raven Company. Many Captains and even Bianuk Tallshield were chosen by him as recruits and he guided them during their way through the ranks of the Chapter. He is of “white blood” as we call it: He can trace back his line of ancestors back to one of the tribes Campus Actuarii. And in every generation his ancestors were Leaders in one way or the other. It is said that he is a Psyker, but no one I know within the chapter has ever seen him use this gift. Rumour has it, that he is saving it for a day, when the chapters future or even something more important is on the stake. I doubt that, but I must admit that there is something besides his Aura as a Chaplain and the Chapters Oldest.

Captain Marcus Broadside

You already know Captain Marcus Broadside quite well from our joint action against the swarm fleet Leviathan and the Space Hulk Sea of Despair , and you know that we both joined the Thousand Fists in the Warrior School of Bristoleon II, were promoted as brother and raised through the ranks of the chapter. He is more than a brother to me and that’s the reason, why I want to explain a few things about him that aren’t obvious to outsiders.

Marcus descends from a well know Family within the Fleet, which has a long tradition of yielding high ranking Navy Officers, and he was also destined for that career path. But his stature, his courage and his strong will caught the eye of Nyran Palewing. Had so he became an Astartes, much to the honour of his family. But I know pretty much for sure, that he quarrels with his fate, as honourable it may be. I turned out that Nyran high expectations were not disappointed: Marcus rose quickly through the ranks of the thousand fist. In fact I do think that it’s not the virtues Nyran saw in him, but the fact that he’s a natural Leader, someone Astartes not only follow out of respect oder duty, but from their whole heart. I have never seen a company, that is so devoted to it’s Captain; not within the Thousand Fist, nor within another Chapter. “Broadside!” is the most common Warcry you hear them shout. And their devotion to their captain is well justified: More than any other Captain within the Chapter, his focus is on the Bolter Drill – that we (of course) adopted from our Progenitors. And the well orchestrated release of a full Broadside of his Company in action is an awe inspiring sight and sound. But what is more important about him is a kind of “natural understanding” – as I would call it – for the Brothers in his Chapter. He demands from each according to his ability, and he gives to each according to his needs. “A malcontent Company is an ineffective Company”, as he calls it.

Former Captain Kenai Blackbear

The Story of Kenai Blackbear is a Tragedy in itself, and because he serves now within Marcus Broadsides Companies Headquarter, together with me, you should know story, for you will pretty sure fight at his side soon. Kenai was the Captain of the Wraith Bear Company and his way got get there was as straight as his soul. When he came to the Thousand Fists he was already a strong and impressive man, but what made him stand out were is exceptional skills as a Sword Fighter. He mostly wielded two swords, both heavier than a common fighter would use for only one hand. His speed and precision with these were unmatched in his Generation and so he rose through the ranks. His quiet and stoic nature are common among Thousand Fists, but he also lacks the humor most of us keep in the hearts. An Aura of Brooding was always around him, although it was clear to every one that he was destined for greatness. He lead the Wraith Bear Company nearly fife Decades and increased it’s reputation with his merciless and efficient approach to war – a focus on amassed Assault and Close Combat, driving many foes to flee only moments after the Slaughter had begun.

But then his Brotherhood became the Order to escort high ranking Terran Officials from the Administratum together with a small Honour Guard of Imperial Fists to Negotiations with a World that was newly brought back into the Imperium. During the Negotiation on that World, the Officials of the Administratum managed to manoeuvre themselves into trouble with the local officials and some raiders from an – until then – unknown Genestealer Cult. This resulted in the Death of half of the Terran Delegation, even more local Officials and – worst of all – the Honour Squad of the Imperial Fists. The Administratum needed a Scapegoat for the Failure and it was Kenai Blackbear who had to pay for that. Bianuk Tallshield was forced to degraded him, but didn’t dissolve his Company, so that one day, he might return to it as Captain. I don’t need to mention that this made him only more broody. As far as I can tell, he blames himself for that, because he thinks, that he got “weak” while being on that escort mission, and now he is pretty much obsessed with “hardening” himself, so that he’s almost always to be found within the Training Halls, when he’s not on a campaign.

Chapter Fleet Admiral Helen Icefist

Helen Icefist was born and raised on the Chapters Flagship, and visited the School of the Imperial Navy on Terra itself. The Thousand Fists have tradition of giving the position of the Admiral of the Chapters Fleet to Women from the Tribes. And Helen Icefist is the bright and strong current installment of that tradition. I have heard Bianuk Talshield say, that she’s the brightest and also strongest installment of that tradition, with a strong emphasis on “strong”, and indeed she’s an impressive Woman, towering most of her deck crew and although here former blonde hair has gotten many white strands of hair in the last years, I am pretty sure that she can still knock out most of her younger officers with her famous uppercut. For me it’s always a special pleasur to travel with her as we have common acquaintance on terra and she’s a highly cultured with many interests.



Now I will give you a quick overview of the most important Campaigns we took part in.

The defence of Ironclad

It was during this campaign that we lost our Homeworld, but we defended the Forge World, we were called to help to by the Mechanicum. As a reward for that, the Mechanikum offered us not a Star Fortress and it was the beginning of a tight relationship with the Mechanikum. And from my time within the deathwatch, I do know for sure, that it was the influence of the Mechanikum, that more than once stopped the Inquisition from investigating further against us.

The hunt for Mortarion

Together with the White Scars we were sent on a Hunt for Mortarion, soon after the Loss of our Homeworld. The best hunters of our Chapter aided the White Scars, young Astartes still burning with fire, and old, battle forged Sergeants and Captains, which learned every trick an enemy might try, men with decades and centuries of experience, a bit more patient than the young, but not less deadly. And still … even today the Storytellers of ours keep those days alive, when we were outmatched by the Sons of the Khan. I do say that without any shame or disgrace, there is no shame in learning from the best. And we did learn a lot. Since those days, Jetpacks are the most favoured piece of equipment of the young and those hunters that seek the rush of blood on their armour. And we were also able to impress the White Scars: Stopping a mere Tidal Wave of traitors on an open Battlefield just by taking an effective battle line and waves of well balanced of infantry fire gained us high remarks from the Khan of that Hunt.

The Green Tide of Trocculus

Together with a Great Company of the Space Wolves the Space Wolves, a fighting Force ours fought against den Waaagh “Splitskull”. It was close after the Loss of the Mountain, and we were impressed by the tight bonds between the Brother of the Great Company and the individual Packs. This reminded not few among us of the bonds between the Tribes on our Homeworld and within our Fleet. As I said earlier, it is not documented wether the Campaign alongside the Wolves of Fenris was the reason for the change of our Company Organisation or just a coincidence, but ever since then we are organised like that. Also the Campaign was a important milestone in the restoration of our self-esteem, for the wolves neither cared of our tribal demeanour, nor for the Loss of our Homeworld or the Loss of the Mountain. They only cared for how we fought and for the Stories we could tell, when we didn’t fight. And we fought like never before and had quite a lot of Stories to tell. We haven’t fought much alongside the Wolves since then, but we hold each other in the highest regard.

The Cleansing of Dagonur

A rich Genestealer Cult infested the wealthy Star Cluster of Dagonur. We were sent to cleanse the Cluster, but when we arrived there, we found that the Hospitallers were already there and at work. Although the initial cooperation with this rather rarely seen chapter wasn’t all to easy, we finally got along very well. They also have a strong Apothecarion and we were able to exchange quite a few valuable insights on Genestealer Infestations. The Campaign lasted more than a decade and we exchanged and extended or Strike Force there more than once, but in the End it was a success and even the deepest and darkest Tunnels of Dagonur Hive Cities were cleansed. We learned a lot of things about close quarter fighting during that campaign; and on repairing and maintaining Terminator Armour, our Techmarines and the Master of the Forge still speak with a mixture of Horror and Honour of that Campaign. And the decision to build a controlled training ground within our Monastery, that resembles Undercities and Space Hulks (and is populated with real Genestealers), dates back to this campaign.

The Harbinger of Bale

The Space Hulk “Harbinger of Bale” was inspected and cleansed from another Genestealer Infestation by the Chapters Gryphon Company – one of the oldest active Companies of ours. As parts of the Space Hulk were Imperial Ships from conflict between the Imperial Fists and Traitor Legions shortly after there Horus Heresy, the Space Hulk was inspected by a joint operation of Imperial Fists, Black Templars, Crimson Fists, Hammers of Dorn and us. Besides the Feast of Blades this was the Occasion, we never fought together with so many of our brother-chapters. The Campaign was of course a success. Some valuable Artefacts as well as data were secured, although hardly any detail reached us. But our skills with Close Range Combat and especially our extensive knowledge about Genestealer Infestations made us a very valuable part within the campaign and gained us some much welcomed Respect from our brother chapters. Although I am afraid, that the Imperial Fist might have gotten suspicious, about our expertise. If we weren’t also descendants of Dorn, I would fear that they denounce us to the Inquisition.

Against the Hive Fleet Behemoth

We had the Honour and Pleasure to fight again at the side of our Brothers in Mind, the White Scars during the Damocles Crusade. But we were – against our will – ordered back from the crusade to face the newly emerged thread of Tyranid Invasion in Form of Hivefleet Behemoth. Together with the White Scars, we were ordered to explore the boundaries of the Hive Fleet. It was our first Contact with the Tyranids, but we immediately recognised, that they were related to the Genestealer Cults. It was “love on first sight”: The Tyranids were an whole new match for our Skills as Defenders and Hunters. And our Fauna and Genestealer focused Apothecarion was very interested in the Nature of these Creatures – and still is today. Ever since this first Crusade many of my Colleague in the Apothecarion and even Brother among the Officers got obsessed with the Tyranids, either from a scientific perspective, because of the hunt for the Mountain, or just as the ultimate challenge for a defender. And many of our best Men died, agains they Tyranids, who don’t care for the reasons we fight against them. But who am I telling that to?

Speaking of Tyranids … I got a request for help from an old friend of mine within the Mechanicum; I’ll be taking a look at a world the Tyrandis left behind as a dead rock 200 years ago. The Mechanikum has a research station there, but the contact got lost recently. I am going to investigate that and keep you up to date.

Serving Mankind,
Lucas Lacertil




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