Category: Fiction

  • Der letzte Kreis – Saga der Stoneborne 1

    Isbrand stand still und blickte über die Ebene nach Osten. Fenris’ Sonne war vor ein paar Minuten hinter dem Horizont versunken, noch leuchtete der Himmel rot und gelb aber über ihm zog schon das Dunkelgrün und Nachtblau auf. Bald würden die Schwarzmähnen kommen von Westen. Aus seinem Rücken. Natürlich hätte er lieber anders herum gestanden,…

    Der letzte Kreis – Saga der Stoneborne 1
  • Brother Francio

    Brother Francio was a promising Librarian of the Blood Angels. But from his Childhood on he feared to misuse his Gifts. This grew even worse when he joined the Blood Angels and learned about the Red Thirst and the Black Rage.

  • Brother Pheistio

    Brother Pheistio was a Techmarine and served the Blood Angels chapter well. He was especially good at repairing Vehicles or larger Weapons even during the hardest Battle. But he never showed any talent for the artisanry of his brothers. Then he fell to the Black Rage and was given to the Death Company.

  • Thousand Fist – Letter No. 7 – Our Darkness

    My Brother, my report seems to have ended with the last letter, but you do know, that I haven mentioned a certain aspect of my chapter only briefly: The _things_ we do within our old fortress monastery on Campus Actuarii. I think, it all started with the loss of our homeworld. Or maybe even earlier:…

  • Thousand Fist – Letter No. 6 – Important Members of the Chapter and Campaigns

    My dearest Brother, within my last letters I told you all the essential information about my chapter and my people. Yet I do have do add some things without too much explanation: A highly incomplete report on the most important Brothers of my chapter, Persons within our Fleet and our most important campaigns. You will…

  • Thousand Fist – Letter No. 5 – Military Organisation and Combat Doctrine

    My honoured Battlebrother, within my last Letter, I told you about the culture of my people as well as their traditions and believes. I considered it important to understand that, or rather have a first glimpse into it, before I explain the military organisation and combat doctrines of my chapter, as the later has greatly…

  • Thousand Fist – Letter No. 4 – Chapter Culture and Believes

    My Brother, I am sorry for the delay in my letters. We have been under attack by renegades lately and the secret of our fortress monastery must be defended at all costs. So I neither had a chance to write you nor to continue on my research. Currently I can only continue to explain the…

  • Thousand Fist – Letter No. 3 – Loss of the Mountain

    My honoured Brother, in my last letter I told you how my chapter lost our homeworld and was granted a star fortress – The Mountain – for our reliable services. For more than three millennia it served as the home of my chapter and the refuge of our people. Sadly this was not the end…

  • Thousand Fist – Letter No. 2 – Loss of the Homeworld

    My dearest Colleague, in my last letter I told you about the Founding Legend of my Chapter. Now it’s time to come back to the Facts, which is more appropriate for men like us. When the Chapter was founded during one of the early Foundings, Campus Actuarii was given to us as our Homeworld, because…

  • Thousand Fist – Letter No. 1 – The Founding Legend

    My dearest Brother and Colleague, I hope this message finds you well and you’re making progress with your studies. Now that I am back at my Chapter and got into the daily routine of the Apothecarion again, I find the time to keep my word and write down a brief history of the Chapter, I…